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Friday, March 18, 2011

post #18

It's Friday.
And you know what that means, right?

In honor of this trainwreck song, I decided to help miss Rebecca Black out with her songwriting skills. I pray she didn't write this herself, but either way, I made some changes to her song Friday that I believe will make this song even more of a winner than it already is.

I present to you Friday: The Intellectual Version.

It is 7 o'clock in the morning,
I rise from my bed.
I must freshen myself, and afterwards, make my way down the stairs,
Need to have my morning nourishment, preferably in a bowl-like container,
I watch the chaos around while the clock ticks intermittently,
Everyone is hasty.
I now must to walk to my bus stop.
I need to catch my bus,
But I see my friends so I am immediately distracted from this need.
Some are situated in the front of the car,
and the rest are in the rear of the vehicle.
I must decide:
Which seat may I occupy?

It is Friday, Friday,
Must experience joy on Friday,
The inhabitants of earth are looking forward to the end of the week, end of the week,
Friday, Friday
Enjoying myself on Friday.
The inhabitants of earth are looking forward to the end of the week, end of the week.
Possibly dancing, but mostly awkwardly fist-pumping with a fake smile on my face, YEAH!
Possibly dancing, but mostly awkwardly fist-pumping with a fake smile on my face, YEAH!
Beguilement, merriment, mirth, jocularity,
Looking ahead to the end of the week.

... okay I can't do this anymore.


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